Monday, January 13, 2014


Aloha.. my very first post in 2014 lolll. Happy new year!

was my first day of the semester, time flies, i am now having my second year and second trimester of degree, still left 1.5 years and i will be stepping into the society. It is a super tough semester, so much pressure after the classes, all major papers major subjectssss i am seriously so damn stressful T.T Really tough!! BUT,i am not afraid of it cause i know i have to face them no matter how. amituofuo~~

I don't have much feeling for new year since 2013 lol, cause in 2013, i still miss some moments in 2012 haha, but i still hope for the best for everything in 2014, pray hard.

Another thing was me and J have been together in the Ldr for 3 years~~ Happy 3rd Anniversary ^^ time flies , so many memories and ups and downs, too many things have been going through in these 3 years, more anniversaries to go, more challenges to face and more love to shower for each other, never fade~~

J brought me to E&O buffet for the first time, so happy =) thank you ^^  as i seriously planned nothing for our 3rd anni.

A pair of Puma shoes for J as 3rd anni gift which bought in Puma Bangsar Village.

Got my lil brownie from J as well , very bao bei my lil brownie now lol. Proud and lucky to say that i am not a person of being 三分钟热度 haha. I would practice and play my lil brownie well :D I am determined towards the things i wish to do! oh yeah~~~!

Our simple anniversary ended peacefully and cheerfully but at the end of the day... i have become a sick cat lolll.. after a sore throat, caught a flu and cough lol. Anyway, i hope we have got the chances to do more special things for our anni celebration, such as going for a vacation if we're capable to achieve :) Deep down going for vacations and backpack alone are always in my wish list. yeah~

Pray for having a good year ahead and i will be grateful for it. I am thankful for having an ideal results for last semester as well, and realise i just have to do my best, expect less and stay in a neutral/calm state (平常心) then it will attract all the positivity to you :) so i would be less worry and more happy. That was so far what i have thought after an experience ( right after i have got my results). I believe of karma as well, those people with bad attitudes and pass their life with ego-ness, have their " good "days and results at the end of the day. 

Quote of the year loll, " 努力做好本分,并且在哭泣后勇于面对挑战,才算长大!! " Gambateh Ymei!!! 2014 will be a good one! and make 2014 the best one!! hooray~~! Amitabha~~ 

Good night~

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