Saturday, June 29, 2013

Little happiness.

Guten Tag. Simply wanna blog about my last Thursday :)

Yea, my car is back.

Finally i found my 60 words text from an article. Why can i feel so happy about this? lol. Because we need to find a suitable text which is applicable for our morphology & syntax assignments, the text needs to fulfill many criteria for our analysis therefore it is not easy to find. I always thought that i have to really spend a whole day or even few days to find, but i am lucky to find the text at the moment when i was in campus waiting for the other class. I felt much relief and after getting approval from Ms.Foo,that was a simply reason that make me feel so happy lol, funny right, law of attraction haha. In Chinese we can say that 幸福其实可以很简单 ^^ Happiness can be so simple from a little thing.

On the same day, we went to B1F1 Domino pizza as our dinner because the due date is 30 June, after 28th they are going back to hometown, so we just make it on 27th, since my sickness had recovered at the same time. 

5 people for 2 large pizzas weren't full enough, lol, should order Xtra large next time. They wanted to go for second round especially when Usagi saw the fondue set in the menu at sweet hug cafe, haha. We dine in for fondue and pandi loo also ordered her moutain ice cream. 

Ss-ing in a sudden.. You know what.. i seldom self-capture as i don't have the skill and i don't have the self-confidence in it. 

Sigh, kind of boring lah in this weekend. Assignment, studies, midterm.. Everyone back to hometown or find bf, i forever alone here. 

So when boredom strikes, i did this kind of lame thing. Edit photo is fun, i used to edit photo since i was in secondary school but only with those simple editing software. Wait la wait la.. wait got money buy Mac book then can use photoshop ady lol, althou Windows can use photoshop also la. 

Sigh.. so sien leh. Still passing " ikat perut " days lol. Wait i manage to save more money, i want to buy myself a watch ASAP, hate wearing a faking brand's watch now.  

Nowadays we are having some problems with one of our friends now, we have tried the best to save her, but failed , and i am truly disappointed and seriously feel like giving up on her already. I don't give a damn about these anymore. I just want to pass my Uni life peacefully with my friends and fight for good results ahhhhhhhhh!!!! 

Haha that's all la, bye. 

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